Module 2 Design Principles for Effective and Accessible Multimedia

Thoughts on using wave and personal thoughts on watching the module2 video

First and foremost, what I need to learn and develop for the knowledge gap in this unit is the integration of social media for the blind and disabled. Prior to watching the video, I hardly considered subtitles and the significance of a well-crafted video or PowerPoint presentation. In my perception, a good video is one that captivates my interest, while a poor one I would simply disregard. However, it’s possible that for individuals with disabilities, discerning good videos may pose greater challenges, and some videos may be entirely incomprehensible to them.

As for the website I made by myself, I put the blog published by my edci website in wave’s modifier. wave has helped me correct many shortcomings, where I need to adjust and where there is incorrect layout, and wave has marked out these places for me to make progress

About the video I made in module 1

Regarding the video I created in Module 1, recognizing that English is not my native language, I painstakingly adjusted the subtitles frame by frame. This process was labor-intensive because my pronunciation might not match that of native speakers. Consequently, when relying on automatically generated AI subtitles, numerous translation errors occurred. Thus, I manually deleted all incorrect subtitles and typed them out by hand. Although it was a time-consuming endeavor, completing this task gave me a profound sense of accomplishment.


Regarding the poster created using Canva, I consulted the professor’s article on crafting more inclusive video posters to enhance my design.

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  1. Hello, I have benefited a lot from the understanding after reading your article, especially after you put your first post in wave. You discovered that relying on AI subtitles resulted in many translation errors. This reflects your understanding of the content of this module. I also particularly like the poster you created, which has a very eye-catching layout and a variety of colors. You did really good on this post!

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