Final Review

Module 3

Module 3 has inspired me a lot, and I have invested a considerable amount of time and effort into interactive story creation with Twin and shooting teaching videos. Both of these tasks have been significant challenges for me because I had never tried creating stories or editing videos with subtitles before. However, as a young person with strong learning abilities, I quickly got the hang of it and produced results. Although I wasn’t completely satisfied with the quality due to it being my first attempt, I believe I will improve in future video productions. In Module 3, I also gained insights into teaching methods. Previously, I had a traditional view of teaching, thinking it was just the teacher lecturing while students listened passively. However, by the end of this module, I gained a deep understanding of the differences between active and passive learning, as well as the benefits of interactive learning. This experience has been very beneficial to me.

Module 4

Module 4 is about learning to create videos with H5P, a technology I had heard about long ago but had never personally tried until now. Experiencing the hands-on creation process for the first time was incredibly exciting for me. I was amazed at the charm of technology and how easy and convenient it is to produce interactive videos with H5P. This interactive format allows viewers to engage with the video, significantly enhancing their viewing experience, which made me very happy.

Module 5

Module 5 is a blog I just finished writing, discussing the development of artificial intelligence, particularly emphasizing ChatGPT’s assistance and applications for people today. In this module, the teacher also had us use the SCETION model to better explain some of ChatGPT’s strengths and weaknesses. Using this model, I was able to more accurately assess ChatGPT’s pros and cons, leading to a clearer understanding of this AI product for future use.

About Student Comments

I carefully watch and read every comment given by classmates because it provides the most direct feedback on the quality of my videos or blogs. After reading the comments, I actively reflect and summarize to strive for improvement in my next video or article creation.

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1 Comment

  1. Hey
    thank you for sharing your final review on each module, i like how you list every single module and write down your thoughts and reflections. Especially in your introduction to Module 3, you went into detail about Twine and how this module challenged you. Finally you also explained what you learned from it about the difference between passive and active learning. I feel that I benefited a lot from these contents.

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