Diverse PLN Benefits: How does having a diverse PLN improve your learning and personal/professional growth? Share any experiences or examples you have.


As an international student, I’m really Diverse about PLN. After looking at the materials from the professor, I found Diverse information about PLN in this article. The author mentioned that the school has diverse student groups, such as sports students, drama students, special education students, and students needing English language support. These groups reflect the diversity of students. PLN also has a large number of Diverse groups with different occupations, countries and ages. Diverse PLN can help us to have a better understanding of what we want to know. One example is that I wanted to know how to apply for a study visa. At first, the agent told me what procedures and fees I needed to provide. Later, my classmates and friends also came to help me, telling me that I didn’t need these complicated documents.Finally, my teacher also came to help me submit the student visa, It helped me a lot.

Creating an Inclusive PLN: What steps can you take to ensure your PLN includes various voices and perspectives? Think about actions you can take to promote inclusivity.

Through the materials provided by the professor, I learned the importance of inclusiveness. Inclusion is not just about putting people in the same place, it also means providing opportunities and support for all students so that they can have an education with rich content and experiences alongside others. This article made me realize that inclusive education is not only about integrating students, but actually benefiting them through support and opportunity. Similarly, in a Personal Learning Network (PLN), inclusion is not just about joining or having others join a community, but about actively communicating, discussing, and sharing perspectives with members of the community once they join. True inclusivity is in interacting with community members, not simply staying on the surface.

Social Media Dynamics: Different social media platforms have unique features and cultures. How do these differences affect how you interact with others in your PLN? Reflect on your behaviour and interactions across platforms.


As I mentioned in my previous blog, different platforms need to take different approaches to this issue. For example, on LinkedIn, I upload my honors and resume, which are more serious topics. When I use Facebook, I share pictures of my daily life, such as food, travel, animals, and how I feel after certain experiences.

Challenges of Inclusivity in Digital Spaces: What difficulties have you faced, or do you think you might face, in making your PLN inclusive? Consider ways to overcome these challenges and build a supportive and inclusive PLN.

I think people are often far less inclusive in the digital space than they are in real life. In face-to-face communication, people will take into account the feelings of others because of direct interaction, and hide many inner thoughts inside. However, in the online environment, due to strangers to each other and the anonymity behind the screen, people may ignore the opinions and feelings of others when discussing subjective issues, express their opinions directly, and even lash out at those who hold different views. The solution to these problems is through universal Internet literacy, making people aware of the possible consequences of every utterance. Only in this way can we make the digital space more inclusive.