Hello everyone!

My name is Qiwei Wu, you can also call me Patrick. I am an international student from China. This is my first year at Victoria University. I am a student in the second year of college, and now I am studying economics.

Qiwei Wu

My Learning Pod Self Reflection 

What is your preferred mode of remote communication? Zoom/Email/Mattermost

I use these three communication tools more frequently, there is no upper or lower!

What are your communication strengths? 

My communication advantage is that I listen to everyone’s opinions carefully and take care of everyone’s ideas

What are your communication weaknesses? Where would you like to grow? 

My communication shortcoming is that my English is not very good. My mother tongue is Chinese, so I want to improve my English as much as possible.

Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?  Extrovert

What time zone are you in? PST

What time of day do you prefer doing academic work? All the time is fine!

When you are upset do you tend to share this with others or keep it to yourself? I’d rather share it with someone so I can solve the problem

What do you like about group work? I can discuss problems with others, more efficiently, and my thoughts will not become single

What don’t you like about group work? If my team can’t communicate effectively, it’s going to get stuck in a loop

What else would you like your team to know?

I like to chat very much, if you can talk to me often, I like to play games as many ordinary children, if there are the same games can be played together